Tuesday, December 18, 2007

goin' to the big city(!)

I went to Cedar Rapids with K today. We shopped at Steve & Barry's, which was a little too good to be true. Everything in the store was nine bucks. I bought three things for my sister, and two things for myself. As long as the purchases for others outweigh purchases for self, I figure that Christmas time personal splurging is okay. S & B's apparently maxed out* our karma though, because we spent the following hour and a half searching for and finding two different Indian restaurants that upon eventual discovery... were closed. We then opted for an establishment called "Sushi House" which made us both want to throw up. The sensation of wanting to throw up led to a rather sketchy stop in Brandon, Iowa (Home of A Very Large Frying Pan), where we peed in a "Kwik Trip" that I'm pretty sure is going to be featured in Saw 5.

It was an extremely fun day.

*Speaking of maxing things out, one of my favorite Life Stories of all time happened in New Orleans in 2006. Clutching neon green hand grenades, SD and myself attempted to rebuild the city of Nola through the purchase of excessively priced souvenirs. At one particular establishment, SD's card was declined. So she tried another. And another. All declined. Although most people would be visibly flustered in this situation, SD calmly sipped her hand grenade, motioned toward my wallet, turned to the cashier and said: Oops. I maxed out.


  1. Hugs and love for the random girlfriend on The Real Housewives of Orange County who just pointed out that one mother's expectations for her children are particularly gendered in nature.
  2. Final grades have been submitted. It was an A- sorta semester. That's what happens when you grade under the influence of Cup Of Joe's.
  3. There is a sign near the condiments and other food amenities in Maucker Union at UNI that says: We have switched to a "greener" napkin. Please pull carefully as they tear easily. Every time I read this sign, I make a slight alteration in my head: We have switched to a "greener" napkin because they are cheaper. Please pull carefully as they tear easily because they are shitty.
  4. Glamour magazine (which is on my highly preferred reading list) did a story about the fiance of a sex offender that was arrested for soliciting sex to a fake 14 year-old virgin on Dateline: To Catch A Predator. The woman decided to stay with the offender despite having two daughters, aged 11 and 13. In fact, she married him during her lunch break less than a month after the Dateline incident went down. My favorite part of the story was on page 187, when the woman revealed that in 2003, she was briefly addicted to crystal meth.
  5. Clearly, I am watching the Real Housewives right now. A 21 year old without a job just got a fairly large tattoo with his mother's credit card. The mother asked her 7 year old what he thought about the tattoo. He said: "Um. BAD." Like, duh, Mom.
Speaking of moms, I'm going home tomorrow night. A and I are leaving for Des Moines (where all the prettiest girls live) at 2 a.m. We fly out at 5 and will be in L.A. by 9. I get that prickly feeling under my eyes when I think about it.

--buelsy (back to l.a.)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

middle of the night moves.

The semester's over. Well, almost. I have to go to Cup O' Joe tomorrow and finish reading final papers so that I can turn in grades. I actually like grading, though. Yes, I am freaky/cool like that.

Grad school has wrecked havoc on my life in many ways. I'm unable to sleep with out medical aid anymore. When I lay down I can't relax my muscles or my brain. My doings-of-laundry are few and far between. I call my house Messy Manor for a reason. My nails are bitten. My hair is a little bit more gray. My caffeine addiction is infinitely worse (as if anybody though that were possible). My utilities bill is currently late. I think about speech all the time.

But, oh my god. I am so *freaking* happy.

--buelsy (going home on wednesday)

Monday, December 10, 2007

getting jiggy with it.

During the first five weeks of my first semester of UCLA, I was a great student. I remember taking this one class in particular, American Literature 1800-1900. I read all but 1 of the 11 books, foregoing lots of Welcome-To-College activities to do so. Once, I even locked myself in a study room on the first floor of Hedrick Hall, without my phone, without the internet, and without music. I stayed there for three hours in the middle of the day, and I wrote a paper. This behavior is incredible to me now. I was so cool back then. Not so much anymore...

It's been a while since I've posted, which is not a good thing in the grand scheme of life. When I write in this thing, it's usually as an escape-slash-writing-warm-up for thesis work. This means that no posting equals even less thesis writing (yes, there can be negative quantities).

The weekend was chaotic in a typical end-of-semester fashion. Enough said.

I just put on Tegan and Sara's The Con, which has historically transported me into a middle of the night productivity rampage. I'm of the belief that putting music on repeat can do that... literally force your brain to remain in one place long enough to get things done.


  • David Bowie, Portuguesed
  • Rachael Yammagata, "1969"
  • Nelly, "Ride Wit Me"
  • Damien Rice, "The Blowers' Daughter"
Sometimes it's just a matter of finding the right tune.

--buelsy (not gonna sleep tonight)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

snow and sniffles.

I'm in a funk today. I woke up early, taught, imbibed large quantities of coffee, got ready to do the 485 things that are on my to-do list today, and then flopped on the ground (yes, the ground) in front of my tv, watched an episode of "What Not To Wear," slept for a while, and then drove around Christmas Island listlessly. I feel crappy and what's worse, unmotivated and depressed. It's one of those days.

It just started snowing outside. Watching snow fall (the flaky kind of snow, not the demon-ice-slush kind of snow) is therapeutic. It also happens to be Tuesday, the day upon which The Library gives people tacos for two dollars because they are a kind and loving Institution. The Golden Compass comes out this Friday. Most importantly, I get to go home two weeks from tomorrow. You may or may not have guessed that the lack of home in my life right now (it's been four and a half months) may or may not be the root of all problems.

I think sometimes your body forces you to escape as a last ditch effort to save your brain and your soul. Even if the escape includes very nearly throwing up in Wal-Mart while buying new gloves, it's a good thing.

--buelsy (still eats lunchables)

Saturday, December 01, 2007

summer always makes us forget.

Well, it's official: life sucks and will continue to suck for the next four and a half months. It started snowing/icing/hailing/raining early this morning and now Christmas Island is a miserable place to be unless you can stay home, watch movies, and drink hot chocolate. I'm planning to do my fair share of these activities tonight (thank you, Netflix!), but until then, I have to be at school with the baby. Sad times.

1. There are two approaches to eating apples: as a whole, or in pieces. I am an advocate for the latter. It just tastes better.

2. Only 18 days until California.

3. Today has made it clear that I need new snow boots. I have been coveting these, but they are ridiculously expensive, and I've had to settle for putting these on my Christmas List. A calls them sl-uggs. Ha.

4. I failed in my attempt to go to the library. With the all the above mentioned weather suckage, my cozy-ish office is as good as it's gonna get.

5. The plan is going well so far. I like it.

--buelsy (snow in her socks)