Sunday, January 27, 2008

lions and tigers and mancats, oh my!

I gave a quiz in Oral Communication last week. The quiz included several questions concerning the types of communication identified by our rather nonplussing textbook. One of the questions asked which type of communication is transmitted through radio, TV, internet, and other electronic sources. The correct answer is mediated communication. Unfortunately, most of the 24 answers deviated greatly from this, including "mecha communication," "internet communication," "technological communication," and good old "communication communication." My absolute favorite deviation, though, was "mancatical communicaton." Yes, man cats. Man Cats! MAN CATS! This has to be the best catch-all phrase in the history of catch-all phrases. In example:

Q: What would you like for Christmas?
A: Man Cats.

Q: How was that Thai food you ate tonight?
A: Man Catastic!

Q: How are you feeling about the fact that it's almost February and your thesis is far from complete, Buelsy?
A: Man Catastical.

See? Try it out. It's about as good as the English language gets. Except for the word "schmaus," which is another story for another night.

--buelsy (is back and wants her a man cat)


Unknown said...

you just made me laugh out loud really, really hard. oh, mancats.

adamweightman said...

SOMEONE: Hey what is that on your t-shirt?

ME: Its a mixture of a man and cat, eating a dragon.