Tuesday, October 30, 2007

indulgence is the word of the day.

I always write after I eat at McDonald's. I think its because facets of indulgence go together. Physical indulgence... mental indulgence... emotional indulgence... and the cycle continues. Really, though, I can't blame myself for succumbing to McDonald's. For that I blame the man who invented the Sausage McGriddle.

  • Mail out Netflix
  • Indulge in self-pity about missing the Office and Weeds for the past 2 weeks
  • Coach
  • Do laundry
  • Grade Reading Objectives
  • Make Grade Reports
  • Try to avoid prepping for my Prospectus Defense
  • Continue avoidance by eating 2 dollar tacos at The Library
  • Indulge in a teary-eyed, hand-wringing, A-hugging nervous breakdown because I haven't prepared for my Prospectus Defense
  • Eat lemon sorbet and gummy bears as a metaphorical last meal
  • Decide the world really isn't that bad and prep for my Prospectus Defense*
*Acknowledgment of self-destructive life patterns is clearly not enough to break them.

  1. Generally speaking, whenever I leave school mid-morning on Tuesday or Thursday (with the purpose of picking up A and jointly consuming food that may or may not be McDonald's), I'm forced to park in the far away lot when I return. Without fail, by the time I haul my lazy ass back over to Lang Hall, there's an empty spot ten feet away from the front door, emblazoned with the message: Suck on that, biatch.
  2. For the last couple of weeks, I have literally been too stressed out to sleep. I lay down and close my eyes, but even though my mind and body are exhausted, I can't unclench my muscles, I can't stop thinking about snippets of speeches and theses, or about how much my eyeballs hurt (yes, my eyeballs). Enter Ambien. We'll see how it goes.
  3. The Fox News motto "We report. You decide." causes me to literally laugh out loud.
  4. This is very, very disturbing. Thanks to JAD for pointing me to a reason to throw up the McDonald's I just ate that does not include eating disorders.
  5. I think it would be interesting to do a demographic study of spectrum of individuals opposed to Starbucks. Maybe I will eventually do this study if my life as a researcher is not nipped in the proverbial bud tomorrow.
  6. Boo to Mimi Smartypants for publishing pieces of wonderful so few and far between.
  7. Somebody near and dear to me lost somebody near and dear to her over the weekend. My hugs go out to her. The situation has made me realize that the Midwest is a facade. Because tragic things don't happen as frequently as they do in Los Angeles, it's easy to believe that they don't exist. But they do, and this makes me miss everybody I love who is far away.
--buelsy (48 days from home)

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