Friday, November 02, 2007


This is very, very rad. I think along with singing, graphic design is the talent I envy the most.

I had a little bit of a break-through yesterday in the category of not smoking. I was standing in the elevator and when some random person got on at the first floor*, I thought: You reek of cigarettes. Reek! REEK! Up until now, the smell of cigarettes was like a particularly cruel waft of forbidden fruit. And don't get me wrong, it's not like the smell of cigarettes bother me now. I just don't really want to smoke them. It was hard to stop smoking in the Midwest, mostly because people still smoke in bars. At least here in Christmas Island. I think I made it though. Cigarettes reek.

*In a three story building, elevator use should be contained to basement to third floor trips only (barring special situations in which stair use is physically impossible or unwise. Like sciatica.).

I'm being snuggled by two very neglected kitties right now. It is lovely, and everything that Friday Funday is about. Oh, and Vietnamese food. And a Netflix movie called "The Incident at Loch Ness," which has the potential to be a fab duo. Speaking of duos, GO PANTS! (And by pants I mean my speechies who are in Peoria, IL this weekend, undoubtedly tearing it up). Exciting stuff.

I have a crush on: Michael Keaton. Almost time to watch my favorite/most embarrassing movie ever, Jack Frost. On that note...

Now that Halloween is over, all of the stores have begun to set up Christmas trees and Christmas merchandise at an alarming rate. There's really only a month of school left if you don't count Thanksgiving break. I remember when I was first at UCLA, academic quarters felt like forever, which was a good thing because I was having such a great time. At this time each year I would take comfort in the fact that there were still 2 whole quarters left! The fact that the speed of time increases with age is what fascinates me the most about life, and makes me the most sad. I can already sense the incredulity that must accompany turning forty: Already? Already?

Well, that was a depressing tangent. Back to nicer things, like Gilmore Girls reruns that A lets me watch without too much grumbling. He loves me.

--buelsy (no thesis today, folks)

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