Thursday, November 22, 2007

happy turkey.

A and I are in Chicago for Thanksgiving with my extended family. Getting here was anything but pleasant. The four hour trip became seven hours thanks to snow, slush, and my unusually slow storm driving (I'M FROM CALIFORNIA, DAMMIT!). Now that we're here though, we're having good time, except for missing the peeps in Simi Valley pretty bad. Consolation on that note: the Christmas trip is less than a month away. Freak out on that note: Two thesis chapter due dates are less than a month away. Do we hear an eek? Eek.

The Midwest Winter Bulge is rearing its ugly head, which means that after this trip, I will be eating tuna fish, oatmeal and lean cuisines like nobody's business. This also means that I will be having an extraordinary, pants-buttons-bursting goodbye session with all other foods this afternoon.

Hillary Clinton on Sunday. There are benefits to living in Christmas Island.

--buelsy (has a date with a boy and a bird).

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