Monday, November 12, 2007

insane or just sleep deprived? you decide.

I feel like I'm losing it. I'm misspelling my favorite words, I'm walking into rooms with purposes that I forget the minute I get through the door, I'm getting teary-eyed when I retell duos I watched over the weekend, I'm writing checks for my utilities bill and not mailing them, I'm thinking about going to bed even though I still need to plan my class, hem my pants, pack for NCA and paint my nails (the important things, people!).

The weekend was okay. Both very frustrating and very fun for the usual respective reasons. I kinda of fell in love with the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Coolest town ever. If the idea of getting a PhD in the next few years continues to amuse me, I'm going to apply there. Let me warn you though, dear readers (all three of you), the idea is verging on NOT amusing right about now.

Next year is pretty much worked out. Arguably the coolest thing that has happened in my life so far.

--buelsy (too bad she still has to write that thesis)

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