Wednesday, December 17, 2008

finals week blues.

I went to Hobby Lobby (best described as an arts and crafts explosion) today to buy wrapping paper and ribbon. While I was in line waiting to check out, I overheard a conversation between the checker and the customer in front of me. Now, you'd think that most conversations that occur in places like Hobby Lobby are centered around arts and crafts explosions or who hates who at the sewing circle. This one was different. In fact, I'd go so far as to say it was the most intense conversation I have ever overheard.

The two ladies clearly knew each other from long ago but hadn't seen each other for quite some time. The customer began by telling the checker that she has been diagnosed as terminally ill. It all started with a cough, and now she has decided to spend the rest of her time doing the things she likes doing. She talked a little bit about her children, one who has a prestigious job, the other who is fat. The checker responded with very genuine sympathy and then proceeded to talk about her own children who are both divorced. The way that she said divorced was a little bit heartbreaking. Her entire face fell and her shoulders hunched as she explained that her son's wife had been cheating on him since 2002 and that her daughter's husband left without explanation right after her grandaughter was born.

At this point I had to leave the conversation and go look for more brightly colored ribbon because I had a similar feeling to the time I watched Into the Wild. Everything was a bit too real for comfort.

--buelsy (always here to bring you down!)