Thursday, November 01, 2007

holy november.

I have these shoes. I love them, but the heel on the left shoe has a distinct squeak. I notice it every day when I'm walking through the hall from Lang Hall to Maucker Union to get coffee. To be honest, it makes me feel a little psychotic.

This is quite possibly the most wonderful thing that's happened this week (along with that whole thesis getting signed off thing). It's free, which throws me into a mental state of anxious frenzy: how can something this great be free? when will they start charging? when will the bandwidth start f-ing up? why can't people such as myself just be happy and go with it?

Apartment Therapy: aptly named.

Bowling tonight, for potential embarrassment and old time's sake. Something to write on hand: say no to 25 cent hot dogs and 1 dollar beer. Check.

--buelsy (new music makes everything better)

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